7 Money-Sucking Book Format Mistakes There are over a hundred things that can go wrong with your book formatting, and if we wrote about all of them you’d be reading from sun-up till sun-down. Your should convey professionalism in all aspects – including with its book format.
An unprofessional looking book will not only distract readers, it will harm your brand and label you as an amateur, affecting the sales of future books as well as your current one. Or worse, your audience will slam your book with negative reviews because you published it riddled with errors. If you’re not careful, you may end up with a sloppy and messy manuscript that an editor will refuse to work on until you tidy it up. And with great power comes great responsibility. Therefore, knowing the proper book format you need is crucial. In fact, you have the final say over everything in your is displayed. Before, you were at the mercy of your publisher on how your book format looked, but today, you have control over this entire process.