Note that bash scripts are run under windows with cygwin or msys installed by calling the bash command (e.g. Ntsys software, free download If you plan to use arlecore or arlsumstat under windows, you will need to dowload cygwin or msys to be able to run Linux bash script under windows. Simulated samples will be then analyzed with arlsumstat and output written to a new file. The bash script will call simcoal3 to simulate a sample drawn from a stationary population and studied at 10 microsatellite loci. Read the arlsumstat readme file before using it.Įxample of the usage of arlsumstat to calculate summary statistics from arlequin projects generated by simcoal3. Read the arlecore readme file before using it.Ĭontains 32 and 64 bit versions of arlsumstat.exe to compute summary statistics from arlequin projects, a summary statistics definition file, and a bash script to launch it in a Linux environment (you need to install cygwin under windows). Contains WinArl35.exe, arlecore64.exe, R graphic functions, XML stylescheet, and example files.Ĭontains 32 and 64 bit versions of arlecore, as well as a bash script to automatically analyse all arlequin project files present in a given directory.